tl;dr Overnight Hikes is a music and recording endeavor by me, Chris.

It’s also more than that (I hope). My goal for Overnight Hikes is that it serves as a creative sandbox for a variety of creative endeavors. Whether it’s music, photography, video, or anything else I want to explore. While most things will center around music (because, well, it’s at the core of everything I do), I want my wonder and curiosity to take me where it wants.

I would be honored if you chose to follow along on this journey with me. You can subscribe to my newsletter here to get periodic updates. Eventually, I hope to setup another subscription that will enable people to get weekly digests of new posts. That way people can stay up to date without necessarily having to check the site. Don’t worry, I won’t spam you. I don’t even track open rates!

You can, however, subscribe via RSS right now using whatever your preferred RSS reader is.

For anyone curious, I’m currently running this site on Github Pages using Jekyll to manage the content.