Polaroid picture of drums

Overnight Hikes is a music and recording project by Chris Youmans. The debut, self-titled EP will be released in October 2020. The songs were written, performed, recorded, and mixed by Chris. He decided to have someone else do the mastering because, well, he wanted to actually release the album one day.

While mostly revolving around writing and recording music, Overnight Hikes is meant to be all encompassing creative sandbox. From the songs to the photos, artwork, or videos accompanying them… it’s all part of the same story.

The goal here is not perfection. It is about expressing humanity, which is far from perfect, through art.

After several years of sporadic trial and error learning how to record sounds, Chris started sorting through demos and tracking songs at his home studio in early 2020. Originally hoping to end up with enough songs for a full length album, the COVID-19 pandemic slowed progress and creativity to the point that the five completed songs he had felt like a good introduction to the project.

Chris is an inspiring father to his son, Zachary, with whom he shares his passion for music. They’ll occasionally stream live jam sessions, have dance parties in the living room, or sing loudly along to hardcore punk in the car… or as Zachary likes to call it, “crazy music” 🤘🏻